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"The Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission Bill,2014"(Adhiniyam Sankhya 20 of 2014) as passed by the Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly and assented to by the Governor was published vide Notification No-181/XXXVI(3)/2014-39(1)/2014 dated June 24,2014.
The Personnel Section-2 of the Government of Uttarakhand vide Notification No-106/XXX(2)/14-03(01)/2014 TC-III -dated September 17 ,2014 notified that the Governor was pleased to accord his consent for the formation of "The Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission" with its Head-Quarters at Dehradun.
Vide Appointment order No-443/XXX(2)/2014-3(1) dated September 18,2014, Dr.R.B.S.Rawat,I.F.S.(Retired) was appointed as Chairman of the Commission from the date he assumes the charge. Accordingly Dr. R.B.S.Rawat assumed the charge of the Chairman of the Commission on September 26,2014. Shri Diwan Singh Bhainsora and Mahesh Chandra,Indian Trade Service(Retired) assumed the charge of members on September 30,2014 and October 10,2014 respectively. At present Dr.M.S.Kanyal is Secretary of the Commission.The Commission is meant for direct recruitment of all Group 'C' posts falling vacant under various departments of the State subject to exceptions stated at Para 3 of the Act(The Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission Act,2014) and the posts falling under the purview of the Public Service Commission.
Power and Duties:
(a) To prepare guidelines on matters relating to method of recruitment.
(b) To conduct examinations,hold interview and make selection of candidates.
(c) To select and invite experts and to appoint examiners for the purpose specified in the clause(b).
(d) To perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as may be prescribed.
Notification of vacancies:
(a) The appointing authority shall determine and intimate to the Commission the number of vacancies to be filled up through the Commission during the course of the year of recruitment as also the number of the vacancies to be reserved for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes,Scheduled Tribes and other categories in accordance with the law for the time being in force in this behalf.
(b)The vacancies shall be notified to the Commission on the prescribed Requisition letter.
Selection by the commission:
The commission shall, as soon as possible after the receipt the prescribed Requisition letters The appointing authority shall determine and intimate to the Commission the number of vacancies to be filled up through the Commission during the course of the year of recruitment as also the number of the vacancies to be reserved for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other categories in accordance with the law for the time being in force in this behalf.